Parent Comms 17 May 2024

Friday 17th May 2024

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Knife Crime Awareness Week - Monday 20th to Friday 24th May 2024
This year as part of Knife Crime Awareness week we are raising awareness around how one decision can change your life forever. 

Below outlines the laws around carrying a knife and offensive weapons: 

  • It is an offence to carry a knife* in a public place (such as a road or in a school) or to carry any article which has a blade or is sharply pointed
  • It is also an offence to carry an offensive weapon in a public place - this includes any article made, adapted or intended for causing injury as detailed below: 
    • Made: Made to cause injury, such as a knuckle duster or bayonets 
    • Adapted: Something innocent that has been adapted to cause injury, such as a broken bottle or a chair leg with nails 
    • Intended: Anything else, such as an umbrella or pen that is intended by the person to be used to cause injury to others 
  • Carrying a knife includes: in your hand, a pocket, in the boot of your car or if someone else is carrying a knife for you. 
  • Exceptions include if you are carrying the knife as part of your job, such as a tool for a trade. However, forgetfulness, ignorance to the Law or general self-defence are not reasonable excuses if you are caught carrying a knife. 
  • It is an offence to use any knife in a threatening way (even a legal knife) 
  • It is also an offence to sell a knife to anyone under 18 - if you are concerned that your child has been sold a knife, you can contact the Citizen’s Advice Bureau to report the trader to Trading Standards.

* Unless it has a folding blade 3 inches long or less.

A list of illegal knives can be found here. Anyone can safely dispose of a knife, or any other bladed article, anonymously via your local police station. There are no questions asked, whatever the reasons for handing them in. 

The Ben Kinsella Trust are offering parents and carers a FREE online workshop, on Wednesday 22nd May at 6.30pm, during Knife Crime Awareness Week, where they will delve into vital topics such as knife crime awareness, recognising signs of exploitation, and strategies to protect young people and help them to stay safe. Details and sign up can be found here.  Further reading can be found at: The unseen effects of knife crime on children from The Children's Society

Mental Health Resources
Exams can be a challenging time for young people, and many young people can feel worried and stressed in the lead up to exams. As parents and carers, it can be difficult to know what we can do to support them. Place2Be have shared some tips on supporting your child if they’re feeling stressed about exams. Please see their guidance attached.

Our safeguarding contact details are available here should you wish to make contact with the team: 

  • Safeguarding email is - which is monitored by our team of safeguarding leads, although not 24/7.
  • Safeguarding phone number: 020 3884 1777 - please be aware that it is not monitored 24/7

The Townley PTA Lucky Numbers Draw
Support the Townley PTA by joining the Lucky Numbers Draw for only £1 per month!  Please see the information attached.

EBSA Support Group
The Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Parent/carer support group, run by Bexley Council, is due to take place on: Monday 17th June, 1pm – 2.30pm at Bexleyheath Central Library in the Dickens Room.  If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Hollie Danby  (Educational Psychologist):

 Free School Meals and Pupil Premium
We are very aware that the financial circumstances of families change. If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals, please use the link here to make your application. If you have any queries or questions regarding pupil premium, please email:

Navigating Exam Season Guide for Parents
Exams can be challenging for young people, and many feel worried and stressed in the lead-up to them. As parents and carers, it can be difficult to know what we can do to support them. We’ve shared some tips on supporting your child if they’re feeling stressed about exams.

Kind regards,

Miss S Totty

Senior Deputy Headteacher