Weekly Parent Comms 09.09.24

Monday 9th September 2024

Weekley Parent Communications

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

We are delighted to welcome you and your children back to Townley for the start of the new academic year.  It is a pleasure to have our school community reunited, ready to embark on another exciting year of learning and growth.

During August, we were extremely proud to celebrate our outgoing Year 13 students and Year 11s on their fantastic achievements in A-level and GSCE examinations.

The start of a new school year is an opportunity to re-establish positive routines and expectations after a long summer break. Please can all parents and carers ensure that their children are punctual to school each morning and ready to start their day in the form room by 08:30. Students must all wear their blazers in and around the school as we are now in the Autumn term. All teaching staff meet and greet students at their classroom door to further embed positive relationships and routines and all teachers will be starting each lesson with a ‘Do Now’ task ensuring that no lesson time is wasted. As a school we are proud of our joint achievements and the positive partnership between students, staff and parents/carers.

We encourage you to stay connected with us throughout the term and ask that you read the important notices and reminders detailed below:

New Student Resource pack: mini whiteboard, pen and eraser.
As you may already know, we have introduced a new Student Resource pack containing a mini whiteboard, pen and eraser. This is part of an ongoing initiative to enhance Teaching & Learning across the school and ensure all students have access to a variety of ways to learn. Staff have received extensive training on how to make excellent and effective use of whiteboards in the classroom and we are excited to incorporate this new resource into our planning.

Please note that once the first pen runs out we ask that you replace this and fund any future replacements. Also, if the mini-whiteboard, pen or eraser is lost, we will not be able to replace the items and request that parents do this as is the case with other required stationery. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Year 7 - New Squid Cards
Thank you for your patience with regards to the Squid card registration. Our IT technician has resent the Squid email to parents and carers this morning (this is the email that you would have used to register your child, and thus that we have on our system). Please check this today and also your junk inbox in case it has gone in there.

If you have still not received an email, please now contact admin@townleygrammar.org.uk who will assist you. Until your child knows that their Squid card is activated, please ensure they have a packed lunch on them. Thank you again for your support.

Save the date: Year 7 Pastoral Evening – Tuesday 24th September at 5.30pm

Flu Vaccinations
Please read the attached letter and information leaflet and ensure that the consent form is completed as soon as possible – the vaccinations will take place in school on Friday 27th September.

Parking around the school
A polite reminder to all car users to please drive carefully when in the vicinity of the school, paying attention to road markings and parking restrictions at all times, to ensure the safety of our students and other pedestrians.  Please do not drive on to the school site to drop off your child or block any access to the school car parks which causes congestion on to Townley Road.

We would also ask that you kindly refrain from parking across the driveways of our neighbours and that you drive and park with courtesy to local residents in surrounding roads. Thank you for your continued support with this.

Kind regards,

Nevita Pandya

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