Weekly Parent Comms 18.09.24

Weekly Parent Communications

Friday 20th September 2024

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Year 7 Pastoral Event Reminder - Tuesday 24th September
Parent GuideWe would encourage all parents/ carers to join on 24th September as this is such an important event. As students begin their journey at Townley, it is essential that the school and parents/ carers work collaboratively to ensure we are keeping young people safe in a digital age.  We also have an excellent external speaker coming to speak to parents/ carers about how best to navigate conversations about friendships. There will also be an opportunity to speak with your daughter's House Tutor, Learning Manager and members of the Senior Leadership Team. 

Please find further details on the attached letter. Please confirm your attendance using the link provided on the letter.  

Elevate Education - EDGE sessions for Years 7, 8, 11 & 13
Next Friday 27th September, we are excited to welcome our external skills partner Elevate Education to talk with students in Year 7, 8, 11 and 13. Elevate will be sharing valuable advice and revision strategies with Year 11 and 13 as we approach their internal examinations later this year.

For our Lower School, Elevate will be sharing advice on time management and independent study skills. Elevate Education are a team of university professionals who have been successful in their own careers and share relatable strategies that work. After the workshop, we will send out parent/ carer access to a schedule of online webinars that are available throughout the year, offering advice for parents on how to support your young people. Students will also be given online access to an ongoing support network and we hope that all students involved enjoy the sessions. Years 9, 10 and 12 sessions are scheduled for early Spring in preparation for transition and further internal examinations.

The schedule for Friday is as follows:

  • Year 7 - Lesson 1
  • Year 8 - Lesson 2
  • Year 11 - Lesson 3 and 4
  • Year 13 - Lesson 5 and 6.

Students will be given further information regarding the details nearer the time. Please note that the rest of the day is a normal school day and full uniform is required as usual.

Save the date! – PTA Meeting – Monday 14th October
Townley is proud and extremely grateful to be supported by such a hardworking and committed group of parents on the PTA.  With some long serving members stepping down recently, they do have vacancies for some key roles and are always keen to welcome new parents.  Please add the above meeting date to your diaries – more information will be shared next week.

Year 7 Parents/Carers - Mini-Whiteboard Packs
Thank you to those Year 7 parents/carers who have purchased a mini-whiteboard pack for their daughter (either individually online or via the Year 7 Starter packs). We will be handing out any new purchases by the end of next week, so do make sure you have made your purchase by Tuesday 24th September. You may purchase a pack from the Arbor shop for £2.00 or from your own source. All Year 7 students are expected to have a mini-whiteboard, pen and eraser as part of their stationery equipment.

Kind regards,

Miss H Mitchem

Deputy Headteacher