Adverse weather
Dear Parent/Carers,
Please see below information about our Adverse Weather Procedures.
Adverse weather
This week the temperature has dropped to icy conditions and though we are not anticipating snow or any reason for school closure, it seems timely to inform parents/carers about procedures in the event that the school has to close throughout the winter period.
In the event that severe weather is forecast, parents/carers are asked to check the school website as a notice will be published by 6.30am if the school has to close for health and safety purposes. Parents/ carers will also be sent an email to notify them from Arbor.
In the unlikely event that we are unable to remain open, parents/carers/students will be notified about any remote provision being offered during any period of closure. It is essential, therefore, that all students have access to their Subject Hubs on Google Classroom.
We are aware of the guidance offered to schools by Unions and Health and Safety Executives and use this to inform the monitoring of temperatures in school. Where concerns have been raised about specific areas being cold, the site team take readings in order to rectify any issue promptly.
When outdoor temperatures drop to such an extent that classroom temperatures fall below the recommended temperatures for school settings, we will review our uniform policy and will make any necessary adjustments accordingly. On occasion, students are then allowed to wear coats in school. We will always communicate with parents/carers in the event of such changes. Please note that until this time, students may not wear coats in school and this includes travelling between lessons. Students should not therefore be wearing coats in corridors. If students are cold, they should wear additional layers beneath their uniform please.
On rare occasions, a medical professional will request an adaptation to a student’s uniform on the grounds of a medical condition. In this situation, please liaise with the Learning Manager directly so that we can review this on an individual basis.
The Senior Team and Site Manager will monitor weather forecasts and temperatures in school regularly to ensure we are adhering to Health and Safety policies for the entire school community. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated- with nearly 1600 students on school site, it is essential that there is parity so as I am sure you can appreciate, we can not make adjustments based on parent/carer requests. In previous years, in the winter months, the Senior Team spent a considerable amount of time replying to parent/carer emails regarding coats so we hope this letter serves to answer your questions in advance.
We thank you for your support.