Admissions Policy Consultation

Townley Grammar School admissions policy consultation-featured-image

Admissions Consultation 2026-27

Townley Grammar School are consulting to change their admissions arrangements for 2026-27 entry. The consultation period began on 9th December 2024 and will run until 19th January 2025.
What are the changes?
We are consulting on changing our Sixth Form oversubscription criteria. We propose to change the oversubscription criteria for external students to consider only: Looked after children, Average GCSE point score and the Distance from home to school.
Why change the admissions criteria? 
This will allow greater clarity for our Sixth Form Enrolment process and ensure greater parity for students.
As with any changes to oversubscription criteria, there is a delicate balance to be kept in ensuring that the school continues to serve its evolving immediate and wider communities. We are therefore keen to consult widely on these changes, and the Trustees would welcome your comments on the above changes by 19th  January 2025, using the following link – Townley Grammar School Admissions 2026 Consultation
 Alternatively, you can send your comments by letter to the Admissions Manager at Townley Grammar School, Townley Road, DA6 7AB

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