Parent Weekly Communications Monday 3rd March 2025
Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
Parking and Road Safety
Pick-up and drop-off times are always busy outside schools. This can cause an increased safety risk to both students, parents and carers. Parking restrictions outside schools are there to keep you and our students safe. Parking inconsiderately can put people in danger and you also risk being fined. It is important that motorists follow the Highway Code.
Are you aware of the increased risk that you parking on double yellow lines, white zig zag lines and parking on the pavement has on our students and pedestrians?
- Reduced visibility for pedestrians: When cars are parked on yellow lines or on the pavement, you block the sightlines for children crossing the road, making it harder for drivers to see them and potentially leading to accidents
- Obstruction of traffic flow: Parking on yellow lines can narrow the road, causing traffic congestion and making it harder for buses, ambulances and police cars and other vehicles to manoeuvre safely
- Increased risk of sudden movements: Children may have to suddenly step out from behind parked cars to cross the road, increasing the chance of a collision
- Encourages unsafe behaviour: If drivers see others parking on yellow lines or on the pavement, they may be more likely to do so themselves, further exacerbating the problem
Safety tips for parking outside schools. When picking up or dropping off children at schools, you should do the following:
- Allow yourself plenty of time as the area is likely to be busy
- Do not park on yellow zigzag lines and avoid parking opposite them
- If you decide to park further away, please be considerate of local residents and avoid blocking driveways or access ways
- Consider alternative transportation, encourage walking, cycling, or using public transport to get to school whenever possible
Squid Reminder
As communicated before half term - following notification from Squid, we are writing to remind you that they will cease operating their services from 14th March 2025. Students will therefore be unable to use their Squid accounts after this date.
To ensure a smooth transition, it is essential that no student Squid accounts are overdrawn. After half term, we will be unable to authorise any payments if there are insufficient funds in the account. All accounts must remain in credit. We kindly request that you monitor your child’s Squid account carefully to ensure they have sufficient funds to purchase meals each day. You will receive information this week about how to pay for school meals moving forward.
ATOM Learning
We are pleased to let you know that Townley Grammar School has partnered with Atom Learning, the leading 11+ preparation and Key Stage 2 learning website, to provide free KS2 learning and 11+ support to primary school children (both boys and girls) who are eligible for Pupil Premium. For further information, please see the attached leaflet.
Safeguarding activities outside of school hours
We would like to remind you of the importance of safeguarding your children when they participate in activities outside of school hours. This includes after-school clubs, tuition, sports, music lessons and other community activities. We understand that many of you arrange additional support and enrichment for your children, such as engaging tutors or independent music teachers. As parents and carers, you have a crucial role to play in ensuring your child's safety and well-being in these settings. To support you in this, the UK government has published valuable guidance and we strongly encourage you to review it here: "Guidance for parents and carers on safeguarding children in out-of-school settings: using after-school clubs, tuition and community activities."
This resource provides important information on:
- Parental responsibility: Reinforcing your role in ensuring your child's safety.
- Carrying out relevant checks: Including questions to ask tutors and independent instructors, such as those providing music lessons, to ensure they are suitable and safe.
- National resources: Signposting to relevant organisations and support services such as local authority designated officer (LADO).
You should report serious incidents by:
- calling the police
- calling the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000
- contacting the local authority designated officer at your local council
By being informed and proactive, we can all work together to create a safe and enriching environment.
Bexley Support Group for Parents and Carers
Please see the attached flyer for information on Bexley’s ‘Emotional Based School Avoidance’ group which will meet next on Tuesday 1st April, at Bexleyheath Library.
Bexley Voice Mental Health Focus
Bexley Voice are offering a SEND Health Focus Day, ‘Supporting your child with sensory differences’ on Thursday 20th March. For more information and to book a place, please see the attached flyer.
Kind regards,
Miss S Totty
Acting Headteacher