Sixth Form Online Applications

Applications for  Townley Grammar Sixth Form for September 2024 entry have now closed.

Transition to Sixth Form

Entry Criteria
The overall requirement for entry to the Sixth Form is an Average Point Score of 6.00 which must include English and mathematics (English & Maths grade 5 or above).

The overall entry requirements for students applying for two performing arts subjects and one additional A Level subject require an Average Point Score of 5.5 plus a successful audition and a minimum of grade 6 in GCSE English.

The overall entry requirement for students applying for three performing arts subjects require an Average Point Score of 5.00 plus a successful audition and a minimum of grade 6 in GCSE English.

In addition, students are required to have at least grade 6 and above in the subjects they intend to study in the Sixth form, except Mathematics which require a minimum of a grade 7 at GCSE (8/9 for Further Maths). Science require grade 7.  (Exception being those students applying for the Performing Arts subjects as stated above).

Further information on entry criteria and individual subject criteria

Conditional offers are based on predicted grades; actual places are not confirmed until GCSE results are announced. This may mean that some courses become oversubscribed and if there are more applicants than places available then we will allocate places according to the over-subscription criteria below:

  • GCSE Point Score
  • Over subscription on a course
  • Being a Performing Arts School with a second specialism in Mathematics and Computing, greater weighting may be given to these subjects
  • Looked after children or other extenuating circumstances which we feel warrant special consideration
  • Siblings
  • Distance
  • Being a girls’ school there is a limitation on the number of boys we can admit taking into consideration the facilities we can provide

Applications from Townley Students
You must have completed the initial electronic subject choices form by 4.00pm Friday 19th January 2024. Please see the front page of the website and follow the link for admissions and internal students.

Applications from Newcomers
You must have submitted your electronic application form with subject choices by 4.00pm, Friday 19th January 2024 - please see the front page of the website and follow the link for admissions and newcomers. Once we have received your application, we will contact your school and request your predicted grades. We may then need to invite you into school for the Assessment/Audition Day (see below).

We are sorry but in all cases late applications will not be considered.

Notification of the outcome of your application will be sent out in the week commencing Monday 8th April 2024 if your predicted grades and assessment/audition indicate that you are likely to fulfill our admissions criteria for entry into the Sixth Form. We can only accept the predicted grades received from our initial request to your school; we cannot re-consider your application or option choice if your grades change during the academic year.

Assessment and Audition Days
Townley students applying for Mathematics or Further Mathematics will be asked to sit a guidance assessment. This will all take place on Monday 15th January 2024 after school, so please keep this time free.

Students who are unsuccessful in their assessment/audition will have an opportunity to select an alternative subject.

Newcomers applying applying for Mathematics or Further Maths are required to attend our assessment day on Saturday 27th January 2024 so please keep this date free.  Applicants applying for a subject within the Performing Arts cluster (Dance*, Music and Theatre Studies) are required to audition.  Auditions will be held using video footage, please refer to our subject information on our website for full details. *Dance audition required if dance not taken at GCSE.

If an application is refused there is a statutory right of appeal to the Independent Schools Appeal Panel.

Key Dates for your Diary

Townley Students

Monday 15th January 2024 - (2.45pm) - Pre-entry Assessment for Mathematics/Further Mathematics

Friday 19th January 2024 - (4.00pm) – Sixth Form Application closing date

Tuesday 27th February 2024 (4.00pm) - Final choices deadline

Friday 5th July 2024 - Lower Sixth Induction Day -

Thursday 22nd August 2024 - Enrolment


Friday 19th January 2024 (4.00pm) - Application Closing Date

Saturday 27th January 2024 - Pre-entry Assessment for Mathematics/Further Maths

Week commencing Monday 8th April 2024 - Outcome of Sixth Form Application

Friday 5th July 2024 - Lower Sixth Induction Day

Thursday 22nd August 2024 - Enrolment

Select an Area

Sixth Form Prospectus  |  Sixth Form Course Guide

Electives Guide   |  Entry Criteria   |  Subject Criteria

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Entry Criteria

Successful candidates must have achieved both of the following to be eligible to enter Sixth Form at Townley:

  • An Average Point Score of 6.00 which must include English, Mathematics (English and Maths Grade 5 or above)
  • The overall entry requirements for students apply for two Performing Arts subjects and one additional A Level subject require an Average Point Score of 5.5 plus a successful audition and a minimum of Grade 6 in GCSE English
  • The overall entry requirements for students applying for three Performing Arts subjects require an Average Point Score of 5.00 plus a successful audition and a minimum of Grade 6 in English
  • If students want to study four A Levels they need an average GCSE Point Score of 7 or above.
  • We regret that BTEC courses and short course GCSEs cannot be taken into consideration

The school has an expected total number of 500 places available in the Sixth Form.

All Townley Year 11 students who wish to transfer to the Sixth Form may do so provided they meet the entry requirements set out below.

The maximum number of places available for external candidates joining Year 12 is 100.  If the school receives more applications from appropriately qualified candidates which it can accommodate within teaching groups, it may exceed that number.

In addition, all students are required to have at least grade 6 and above in the subjects, they intend to study in the Sixth Form, except, Mathematics which require a minimum of a Grade 7 at GCSE (8/9 for Further Maths). Science requires Grade 7.  (Exception being those students applying for the Performing Arts subjects as stated above).

The points score is based upon the current point system for GCSE full courses as follows:

9 8 7 6 5 4 3

Conditional offers are based on predicted grades; actual places are not confirmed until GCSE results are announced. This may mean that some courses become oversubscribed and if there are more applicants than places available then we will allocate places according to the over‐subscription criteria below:

  • GCSE Point Score
  • Over-subscription on a course
  • Being a Performing Arts School with a second specialism in Mathematics and Computing – greater weighting may be given to these subjects
  • Looked after children or other extenuating circumstances which we feel warrant special consideration
  • Siblings
  • Distance
  • Being a girls' school there is a limitation on the number of boys we can admit taking into consideration the facilities we can provide

Subject Criteria

Subject Criteria Subject Overview
Art and Design Minimum of a 6 in GCSE Art PDF
Biology Minimum of a 7 in GCSE Biology (or 7 grade in both GCSE Core & Additional) PDF
Chemistry Minimum of a 7 in GCSE Chemistry (or 7 grade in both GCSE Core & Additional) PDF
Classical Civilisation Minimum of a 6 in GCSE English Literature PDF
Computer Science Minimum of a 6 in GCSE Computing (or 6 in GCSE Mathematics if Computing not taken at GCSE) PDF
Dance Minimum of a 6 in GCSE Dance or passed audition (if Dance not taken at GCSE) PDF
Drama and Theatre Minimum of 6 in GCSE Drama and 6 in GCSE English, plus audition PDF
Economics Minimum of a 6 in GCSE Mathematics PDF
English Literature Minimum of a 6 in GCSE English Literature PDF
EPQ Extended Project Qualification PDF
Film Studies Minimum of a 6 in GCSE English Language PDF
French Minimum of a 6 in GCSE French PDF
Further Mathematics Minimum of an 8 in GCSE Mathematics  PDF
Geography Minimum of a 6 in GCSE Geography PDF
German Minimum of a 6 in GCSE German PDF
History Minimum of a 6 in GCSE History PDF
Mathematics Minimum of a 7 in GCSE Mathematics PDF
Music Minimum of a 6 in GCSE Music plus audition PDF
Philosophy and Ethics Minimum of a 6 in GCSE Religious Studies  PDF
Physical Education Minimum of 6 in GCSE PE PDF
Physics Minimum of a 7 in GCSE Physics (or 7 grade in both GCSE Core & Additional) PDF
Politics Minimum of a 6 in GCSE Humanities subject PDF
Product Design Minimum of a B in GCSE DT Graphics, Resistant Materials or Product Design and portfolio seen PDF
Psychology Minimum of 6 in GCSE Biology and in GCSE English PDF
Sociology Minimum of a 6 in a GCSE Humanities subject PDF
Spanish Minimum of a 6 in GCSE Spanish PDF

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