Year 7 Admissions

Townley Grammar is one of four selective schools in the London Borough of Bexley and is a single-sex grammar school admitting girls in Year 7, with boys in the Sixth Form. Our students represent a wide socio-economic background and a diverse cultural and ethnic society, making it a richly diverse environment.

Townley Grammar School became an Academy on 1st January 2012 and is therefore the admissions authority for the school. Townley Grammar School is a former maintained grammar school designated as such under Section 104 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and the Education (Grammar School Designation) Order 1998. As such it is permitted to continue to select its intake by reference to ability. Applications for Year 7 admission will be coordinated by the London Borough of Bexley.

In September 2004 the school was recognised by the DfES as a Specialist School for the Performing and Visual Arts and in 2008 we were re-designated as a High Performing Specialist School. Our second specialism in Mathematics and Computing began in September 2009.

The published admissions limit for September 2019 was 224. 286 first preferences for the school were received by Bexley London Borough. The admission limit for September 2020 is 224.

If places remain available at Townley Grammar School after all students “deemed selective” by the London Borough of Bexley have been offered places, the Governors will adopt the principles and process of the London Borough of Bexley’s reserve list. Places will be offered to students in descending order of the aggregate score achieved in the Bexley Selection Test.

The current school roll is 1637.

Select an Area
Applying to Year 7 | Supplementary Information Form | Admissions Arrangements | Waiting List | Reserve List | Admissions Policy | Free School Meals

Year 7 Prospectus 2024 Entry

Year 7 2024 Prospectus


Applying to Year 7

Entry in September 2024

  • Children born between 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013 can apply for entry in 2024.
  • Children will sit the Bexley selection test in September 2023 when they are in Primary School.
  • Parents/Carers must register online directly with Bexley Borough. Registration will open in May 2023, please refer to Bexley's website for the closing date for registration.
  • More information can be found on the Bexley Council website:

Click here for full details of our Year 7 Admission Arrangements 2024 entry.

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TGS Supplementary Form for Year 7 Application 2024

TGS Supplementary Form  for Year 7 Entry 2024 Closed on Tuesday, 31st October 2023

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Waiting List

Bexley Residents

Bexley residents can return their Waiting List preferences to Bexley Council by using the slip that was included with letter advising of their child’s allocated school.

Non-Bexley Residents

If your child has been deemed selective and you wish your child’s name to be placed on the waiting list for Townley Grammar School, don't hesitate to get in touch with both:

Admissions Co-ordinator
Townley Grammar School

Townley Road
Kent, DA6 7AB

Telephone: 0208 304 8311 option 4

London Borough of Bexley
School Admissions Team

Bexley Civic Offices
2 Watling Street
Kent, DA6 7AT

Telephone: 0208 303 7777

Please include details of your name and address, contact numbers, child’s name and date of birth, stating you wish to be placed on Townley Grammar School’s waiting list.

You cannot request to be added to the waiting list if your child has not been deemed selective. 

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Reserve List

Further to the information outlined in your letter from Bexley, if there are still places unfilled after all selective girls have been offered places, offers will be made to girls who score one point below the selective threshold. For girls two points under the threshold, the same procedure applies. 

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Admissions Policy

Our Admissions Policy can be found in our policy area at the link below:

2024-2025 Admissions Policy

2023-2024 Admissions Policy

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Free School Meals

The Free School Meals checking service is a fast and convenient way to check your Free School Meal eligibility by entering some personal details including your National Insurance number or National Asylum number. 

This safe, fast on-line service removes the need for paper forms to be completed and posted to Bexley Council and will give you an instant decision.  We will be notified straight away if your child is eligible.

If your child is already in receipt of Free School Meals, you should already have received a letter/email from us regarding the new system.  To ensure your child continues to receive Free School Meals, you will need to re-apply with us with the details we requested, or you can complete the application online.

Link2ICT logo

Free School Meals flyer logo

Guidance on Free School Meals eligibility | PDF (132KB)

If you require further information, please contact our Admissions Coordinator:
Telephone: 0208 304 8311

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