Friday 10th January 2025Dear Parents, Carers and Students, Happy New Year to you all – we hope you enjoyed a relaxing break over the holiday period. Footwear reminder We kindly request that all students wear appropriate footwear for school. A reminder that Ugg boots are not considered suitable footwear. Shoes should be black leather (or synthetic leather) with heels less …
Careers Newsletter Winter 2024
Townley Careers Newsletter Winter 2024In this edition of the careers newsletter, we feature a few trips students from sixth form have been on visiting offices and expanding their horizons to support their career paths. The career prefects have also shared their advice for all year groups regarding careers and what we reccomend you should be doing!
Careers Newsletter April 2024
Townley Careers NewsletterPlease see our Careers Newsletter for April, courtesy of Wendy and our wonderful Careers Prefects: Mashal A, Diana C, Erin G, and Arthiha N. Contents this month include; Careers and Futures Fair, Careers Cafe, Careers Projects, Civil Service workshops, find out what happens in Medical Society, or to answer the question we all wanted to know: What’s it …