Weekly Parent Comms 07.03.25

Weekly Parent Communications

Weekly Parent Communications Friday 7th March 2025Dear Parents, Carers and Students, National Careers Week We are partnering again this year with National Careers Week (NCW). National Careers Week is a one-week celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. Our aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the …

Weekly Parent Comms 03.03.25

Weekly Parent Communications

Parent Weekly Communications Monday 3rd March 2025Dear Parents, Carers and Students, Parking and Road Safety Pick-up and drop-off times are always busy outside schools. This can cause an increased safety risk to both students, parents and carers. Parking restrictions outside schools are there to keep you and our students safe. Parking inconsiderately can put people in danger and you also …

Weekly Parent Comms 14.02.25

Weekly Parent Communications

Weekly Parent Communications 14.02.25Dear Parents/Carers and students, Following notification from Squid, we are writing to inform you that they will cease operating their services from 14th March 2025. Students will therefore be unable to use their Squid accounts after this date. To ensure a smooth transition, it is essential that no student Squid accounts are overdrawn. After half term, we …

Weekly Parent Comms 07.02.25

Weekly Parent Communications

Weekly Parent Communications 07.02.25Dear Parents, Carers and Students, Safer Internet Day 2025 Safer Internet Day takes place on Tuesday 11th February. This year’s theme is ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online’. Secondary school students are often more active online, so internet safety is crucial. It is really important to communicate with your children regularly about …

Weekly Parent Comms 31.01.25

Weekly Parent Communications

Weekley Parent Communication, Friday 31st January 2025Dear Parents, Carers and Students, Mobile Phones and Social Media We are aware that a number of students do use WhatsApp and are in group chats with their friends at the school. I would like to take an opportunity to remind parents and carers that lots of social media, including WhatsApp, is recommended to …

Weekly Parent Comms 24.01.25

Weekly Parent Communications

Weekly Parent Communication, Friday 24th January 2025Dear Parents, Carers and Students, Bexley’s Apprenticeship & Participation Event – Monday 3rd February The London Borough of Bexley is hosting another Apprenticeship & Participation Careers Information event. The event is for young people and their parents/carers and will promote Apprenticeships at all levels, from Traineeships to Higher and Degree Apprenticeships for those aged …

Weekly Parent Comms 17.01.25

Weekly Parent Communications

Friday 17th January 2025Dear Parents, Carers and Students, Important – Road safety The safety of our students is our highest priority. When dropping off or collecting children near the school please: Drive slowly Park considerately and legally Never double park or block driveways Use designated pedestrian crossings Ensure children exit the car on the pavement side  In the interest of …

Weekly Parent Comms 10.01.25

Weekly Parent Communications

Friday 10th January 2025Dear Parents, Carers and Students, Happy New Year to you all – we hope you enjoyed a relaxing break over the holiday period. Footwear reminder We kindly request that all students wear appropriate footwear for school. A reminder that Ugg boots are not considered suitable footwear. Shoes should be black leather (or synthetic leather) with heels less …

Weekly Parent Comms 19.12.24

Weekly Parent Communications

Thursday 19th December 2024 Dear Parents, Carers, and Students, We have recently undertaken a review of school opening and closing times as the safety and wellbeing of our students are at the heart of everything we do as a school community. After a thorough review, we have identified the need to make some changes to ensure we are providing the …

Weekly Parent Comms 13.12.24

Weekly Parent Communications

Friday 13th December 2024Dear Parents, Carers and Students, As we approach the Christmas break, please see below for some important safeguarding and community support information: Vapes We urge you to read the attached document, which contains critical information about vapes, particularly the dangers of adulterated vapes.  This is a growing concern for school children across the country and a matter …