Behaviour and Culture

Relationships are central to exceptional behaviour for learning. We live in a school community and must respect each other’s dignity, working together for a common purpose: to create a happy, safe, ambitious, and successful learning environment where we see and treat each other as an extension of ourselves.

Creating a framework in which the behaviours needed for that kind of community to flourish involves a strong focus on pre-emptive systems, rewards, and certainty of consequences. To support the development of behaviour and helping young people to overcome the challenges they find in meeting those standards to flourish we will provide a variety of forms of support.

All members of our school community should actively exhibit and promote through their behaviours the following key behaviour for learning Townley Traits:  Ready to learn and take on the opportunities of the day, being respectful, and feeling safe. There are examples of other Townley traits and learning behaviours we can use to further reward our students

Our ethos and guiding purpose is to ensure all our students feel a strong sense of belonging within our school community and develop the character to be the change they want to see in the world during and after their time at Townley. Both of these aims are two parts of the same helix and are key school priorities. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are areas we are further enhancing through student leadership and student support. The Townley Equity Commission, led by senior students and created by students is the main student vehicle for change development. Alongside this, our new student hub is supported by Active Horizons, a local charity set up to support students in relation to race issues.

Character education is an enabler and spans across subject areas as well as the beyond classroom experiences of our students. Youth social action, charity work, debating, The House System are all areas where character is actively developed. In 2016, Townley was Highly Commended by the DfE for its character education programme and since then we have advised and partnered with a range of organisations whilst growing our own provision.