Statutory Information
As an academy, the Government requires us to publish certain information. We have published it in one place here for your convenience. Please refer to both the Related links and Downloads.
If you require paper copies, please contact us at or call 0208 304 8311.
A selection of our key school policies (Statutory Information) can be viewed by opening the tabs below, you can also view/download all our School Polices and Reports.
Annual Report and Accounts
The school is required to publish the following financial information according to the Department of Education guidance
Annual Report and Annual Audited Accounts Year-end August 2023
Annual Report and Annual Audited Accounts Year-end August 2022
Annual Report and Annual Audited Accounts Year-end August 2021
Annual Report and Annual Audited Accounts Year-end August 2020
Behaviour policy
Relationships are central to exceptional behaviour for learning. We live in a school community and must respect each other’s dignity, working together for a common purpose: to create a happy, safe, ambitious, and successful learning environment where we see and treat each other as an extension of ourselves.
Creating a framework in which the behaviours needed for that kind of community to flourish involves a strong focus on pre-emptive systems, rewards, and certainty of consequences. To support the development of behaviour and help young people to overcome the challenges they find in meeting those standards to flourish we will provide a variety of forms of support.
Careers Programme Information
Charging and remissions policy
This policy aims to provide clarity over the types of activity for which charges might be made to parents. This policy is fully compliant with the provisions of the Education Reform Act, 1996 (sections 449-462), which sets out the law on charging for school activities in schools.
Townley Grammar School cannot charge for:
- Admission
- Education provided during school hours, including the supply of any materials, books, instruments or other equipment
- Education provided out of school hours if it is part of the national curriculum or part of a syllabus for a prescribed public examination that the student is being prepared for at the school or part of religious education
- Individual or group instrumental or vocal tuition, unless the tuition is provided at the request of the student’s parent
- Entry for a prescribed public examination, if the student has been prepared for it at the school
- Examination re-sit(s) if the student is being prepared for the re-sit(s) at the school
Townley Grammar School may charge for:
- Materials, books, instruments or equipment where the child’s parent wishes the child to own them
Complaints Policy
Townley Grammar School endeavours to provide the best possible education for all of its pupils in an open and transparent environment. We welcome any feedback that we receive from parents, pupils and third parties, and we accept that not all of this will be positive. Where concerns are raised the school intends for these to be dealt with:
- Fairly
- Openly
- Promptly
- Without Prejudice
In order to do so, the Townley Grammar School Trust Board has approved the following procedure which explains what you should do if you wish to make a complaint about the school. All members of staff will be familiar with the procedure and will be able to assist you.
Main Contact Information
Nevita Pandya MBE
Main Telephone: 020 8304 8311
Email: (Years 7 to 13)
Phone: 020 8304 8311 ext. 1 - (Years 7 - 11)
Phone: 020 8304 8311 ext. 2 - (Years 12 -13)
Safeguarding Email:
Phone: 020 8304 8311 Option 7 - all year groups
Main Email (general enquiries):
Chair of Trustees
Pradeep Kumar Thatai
Trustees Clerk to the Chair of Trustees
Human Resources
Townley Grammar School,
Townley Road,
Kent DA6 7AB
Directions to Townley Grammar School
We can be found close to the A2 and a short distance from Bexleyheath. Buses that stop outside are the B13 and 269, with many other bus routes stopping in the centre of Bexleyheath which is around eight minutes walk away.
For more information, please see Google Maps.
Paper Copies
We can provide a paper copy of the policies and reports information on this website if a parent requests.
View our Key 3, 4 and 5 Curriculum here
From that page, you will be able to view details on each individual subject taught at Townley Grammar School.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The Odyssey Trust for Education is committed to both the principles and the implementation of equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion for all members of our community. We value the diversity of our Trust and this is reflection in our mission statement and core values. We strive to eliminate unlawful discrimination and to promote equality and diversity strategy within the context of prevailing legislation. We will also work towards promoting equality of opportunity and outcomes developing an inclusive and enabling environment for all staff and students.
Odyssey Trust for Education aims to ensure that all policies (recruitment, disciplinary, etc), procedures and practices provide fair and equal treatment for all. No staff or student will be treated less favourably than any other person.
Odyssey Trust for Education will not tolerate, bullying, discriminatory treatment, harassment or intimidation of any individual or group and will act promptly to investigate any complaints and take the relevant actions in light of the findings.
Odyssey Trust for Education Schools play an important role in society as places of debate and discussion where ideas can be tested without fear of control, where students learn to challenge ideas and think for themselves, and where rationality underpins the pursuit of knowledge. Difficulties may arise in defining the boundaries between, for instance, unlawful harassment and free speech. In considering what amounts to unlawful harassment, regard must be had to the context in which the speech or conduct takes place. In relation to academic debate or speaker events the appropriate boundaries must be judged by reference to what is reasonable in those contexts.
The fact that views are ‘offensive’ does not in itself mean that the views amount to unlawful harassment. It may often be the manner in which views are expressed, rather than the opinions themselves, which takes the relevant speech into the realm of unlawful harassment. The duty to promote good relations should not normally conflict with the protection of free speech. Tolerance and respect for opposing viewpoints are entirely compatible with fostering good relations. All staff and students should refrain from all forms of harassment, prejudice and unfair discrimination on any of the protected characteristics outlined in the sections below.
Our Trust aims to meet its obligations under the public sector equality duty by having due regard to the need to:
- Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
- Act within the spirit of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission best practice/guidance
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- Foster good relations across all characteristics and create harmonious, cohesive communities in our schools
- Ensure the Trust is a safe, secure and stimulating environment for all
- Recognise that some staff and students, those with protected characteristics may need additional lsupport to help them achieve and flourish.
Ethos, Values, Our Vision
Here at Townley, we view education as a creative process.
Our vision is of leading a learning community fostering academic, emotional and physical confidence. Creating inspirational learners who have the courage to take risks and the wisdom to learn from their mistakes.
An education at Townley Grammar School is a privilege but also a great responsibility. Ultimately we are judged not just by our qualifications but by our qualities. These, together with first-class academic qualifications, enable students at Townley to become responsible citizens with a social conscience, able to lead others and act as change agents for a better society.
Everyone should have the opportunity to be extraordinary and through our bold and inspiring curriculum, we enable our students to let their dreams power their futures. By fuelling the imagination of our students, we light a fire that will burn bright throughout their lives.
The School's aims are:
- To inspire and challenge our students through providing outstanding teaching, rich opportunities for learning and encouragement with support for each individual
- To create a school community that fosters academic, emotional and physical confidence, where students develop the courage to take risks and the wisdom to learn from their mistakes
- To encourage in pupils a sense of dignity, integrity, responsibility and self-esteem
- To educate students to be mature, confident, articulate and caring individuals who grow into responsible citizens with a social conscience, able to lead others and act as change agents for a better society
- To provide students with first-class academic qualifications and help them to acquire the attitudes, knowledge and skills to succeed within the world in which they will live
- To encourage all pupils to have an open mind, a desire to be challenged and a respect for learning, each other and our environment
- To develop students who are reflective and resourceful with a passion for learning
- To use the power of creativity and performance to support our students in their emotional development and creative potential
- To provide an outstanding education based on excellent and imaginative lessons, combining academic rigour with modern technology and creative techniques
- To balance good order and discipline with the motivational power of praise and celebration
A Townley student aspires to the following qualities:
- Confidence
- Resilience
- Courage
- Compassion
- Integrity
- Spirit
- Social conscience
- The ability to inspire
Key School Policies
Admissions Policies: 2026-27 | 2025-26 | 2024-25 |
Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
Careers Guidance and Provider Access Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Examination Access Arrangements Policy
Freedom of Information & Publication Scheme
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
RSE Policy (Relationships and Sex Education)
Special Education and Disabilities Policy (SEND) and Information Report
Ofsted Reports
You can view the latest and all previous Ofsted reports here.
Parent View
Ofsted Parent View is an online survey that allows parents to give their views about their child’s school. Parents can complete the survey at any time. By ‘parents’, we mean any person with parental responsibility for a child at the school.
Public Sector Equality Duty
This is part of our: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Pupil Premium
Pupil premium strategy statement – Townley Grammar
This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils last academic year.
Remote Education
Remote Learning Charter
This document is intended to provide transparency in relation to guidelines provided by the DfE for students, guardians and staff about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. It is a flexible working document, subject to review during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. It will discuss remote learning, the importance of wellbeing, as well as social interaction with friends and family. The importance of a routine for learning is also emphasised, in ensuring that students continue to utilise their normal timetable, as much as possible.
For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of the document.
Remote learning is used to refer to online learning provision. This may take the form of live video, audio or online chat where possible in the suggested lesson slot. In addition, where pertinent material may have been pre-recorded to allow for students to access materials. Live and posted videos may not last for the whole lesson duration, with time for activities and reflection being built into the normal lesson duration, allowing screen time breaks. All provision is provided by Townley@home.
Townley@home offers high-quality remote learning for students and is of equal importance to the provision delivered in school. The online platforms are facilitated by Google Classrooms and complement the classroom experience for all curriculum areas. Online lessons are planned and, in some cases, delivered by subject specialists and are created in line with educational research.
Requests for copies
When requested, parents and carers can receive paper copies of all our school policies and reports. Please contact us if you need paper copies.
Please note the school day is different on Mondays to the rest of the week.
8.30 am - 8.45 am: Registration Time
8.45 am - 9.30 am: Period 1
9.35 am - 10.20 am: Period 2
10.20 am - 10.40 am: Break
10.40 am - 11.25 am: Period 3
11.30 am - 12.15 pm: Period 4
12.15 pm - 1.00 pm: Lunch
1.00 pm - 1.45 pm: Period 5
1.50 pm - 2.35 pm: Period 6
Tuesday - Friday
8.30 am - 9.05 am: Registration/21c/CWB
9.05 am - 9.55 am: Period 1
10.00 am - 10.50 am: Period 2
10.50 am - 11.10 am: Break
11.10 am - 12.00 pm: Period 3
12.05 pm - 12.55 pm: Period 4
12.55 pm - 1.45 pm: Lunch
1.45 pm - 2.35 pm: Period 5
2.40 pm - 3.30 pm: Period 6
School Performance
Please find below links to performance data for Townley Grammar School.
School Data, Secondary (Key Stage 4)
School Uniform
Townley Grammar operates a strict School Uniform Policy. You can find below the most up to date uniform lists below.
Dress Code Years 7 - 11
- Blazer with new school badge purchased from Oz Schoolwear which must be worn to and from school
- A plain grey, black or navy topcoat in a style suitable for school, without any logo and long enough to cover the blazer. Coats made of leather, suede, PVC, denim or fur are not permitted
- Plain grey skirt: straight with back kick pleat or box pleated from the waist as supplied by Oz Schoolwear. Skirts should be of a suitable length for school e.g. not more than 5cm above the knee. A longer length skirt option is also available from OZ Schoolwear – please note orders for the longer skirt should be made 4-5 weeks prior to the beginning of term
- There is an option to wear trousers as supplied by Oz Schoolwear
- Short-sleeved blue and white checked blouse with revers as supplied by Oz Schoolwear worn tucked into the skirt. A plain white round-neck T-shirt may be worn under the blouse in cold weather
- In Years 9, 10 and 11, long or short-sleeved white blouse with revers worn tucked into the skirt. A plain white round neck T-shirt may be worn under the blouse in cold weather
- Plain knit (not ribbed) grey V- necked pullover or cardigan with burgundy piping, as supplied by Oz Schoolwear. (A different material composition is available on request)
- Plain black, white or grey ankle or knee-length socks or opaque tights in grey or black
- Shoes should be black leather (or synthetic leather) with heels less than 5cm high and must not be above the ankle bone. Laces should be black. Ankle boots, visibly branded/non-branded leather training shoes are not acceptable. For safety reasons canvas shoes, beaded slippers, mules, platforms, sling back and open-toed shoes are not permitted. In bad weather, boots may be worn to and from school but must be changed to shoes when in school. Trainers are not a suitable form of footwear for school
- Headscarves and Hijabs should be plain grey, black or navy
School bags may be any colour, however, should be sturdy, waterproof and fit A4 folders securely.
House Badges will be supplied by the school and must be worn on the left lapel of the blazer. Replacement badges will be at a cost.
P.E. Kit (All kit must be clearly labelled with student’s full name)
- Polo shirt with logo as supplied by Oz Schoolwear
- Skirt as supplied by Oz Schoolwear
- Red stretch PE shorts with logo as supplied by Oz Schoolwear
- Black track pants and sweatshirt with logo as supplied by Oz Schoolwear
- Red games socks and white sports socks as supplied by Oz Schoolwear
- White training shoes suitable for indoor and outdoor use – NOT boots
- Black Astroturf boots/Football Boots (no metal studs)
Dance Kit
- Plain black with long or three quarter length sleeves, made from cotton lycra/nylon lycra with either a round, boat or ‘V’ neckline
- Tights – Plain black footless
Please Note
- Uniform should be worn to and from school as well as in school. All clothing and equipment must be clearly marked with the student’s name
- It is NOT appropriate to wear jewellery to school. A watch may be worn. Girls with pierced ears may wear one small pair of plain silver or gold studs (less than 4mm in diameter), only in the lobe of the ear. Rings, bracelets, necklaces, nose, tongue or body studs may not be worn. (New ear piercings should be done at the beginning of the summer break as all earrings are removed for PE and Dance)
- Hair accessories should be plain black, grey, pale blue, navy or white only; no outdoor hair accessories should be worn in school
- It is inappropriate to wear make-up, cosmetic coloured contact lenses, false nails or eyelashes and nail varnish with school uniform
- Expensive trainers and fashion items should not be brought to school
Official Supplier
Oz Schoolwear
6 Chatsworth Parade
Petts Wood
Kent, BR5 1DF
SEND Policies & Report
Our commitment to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Townley Grammar School is committed to providing a high-quality education for all students, including those identified as having special educational needs. We believe all students are entitled to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum which challenges everyone to achieve their full potential. It is important to note that our support plans are implemented around the barrier to learning, not a diagnosis of need or disability. By adopting this approach, the school will support the students during the early stages of identifying the best approach to formally investigate educational needs. We are committed to working alongside parents/carers, outside agencies and, more importantly, the students to develop and implement support plans that reflect the voice of everyone involved.
Townley Grammar is further committed:
- To ensure that students with SEND engage in the school's activities with students who do not have SEND.
- Reduce barriers to progress by implementing the Local Authority's guidance for Quality First Teaching (Bexley Quality First Teaching and SENToolkit
- To use 'best endeavours' to secure special educational provision for students where required, that is "additional to and different" from that provided already within the differentiated curriculum, to respond effectively to the four broad areas of need listed; Communication and interaction, Cognition and learning, Social, emotional and mental health and Sensory/physical.
- To listen, respond and work with parents/carers and students in planning and reviewing the provision and the level of need.
- To ensure regular staff training that helps meet student needs.
- To support students with medical conditions to achieve inclusion in all school activities by speaking with health and social care professionals.
- To work in partnership with the Local Authority and other outside agencies to access help approach to meeting the needs of all vulnerable learners.
- To meet with parents/carers at least three times per year to review SEN support(one of these may be a parents' information evening).
- To plan, implement and review a support plan based on a student's needs in line with their SEND Status.
- To follow the School Admissions Code to ensure that admissions arrangements will not unfairly disadvantage a child with special educational needs or disability, either directly or indirectly.
Special Education and Disabilities Policy (SEND) and Information Report
Test, exam and assessment results
View more detailed information about our Exam Successes at GCSE and A Level, outcomes and performance tables here.
We have a team of trustees who have the combined knowledge, skills and experience to support, and to challenge, its activities. Trustees’ core functions are to
- ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- hold the executive to account for educational performance and the performance management of staff, and to
- oversee financial performance, making sure that money is well spent.
Trustees can be contacted via the Clerk to the Trustees: