
Townley Grammar operates a strict uniform policy. You can find below the most up to date uniform lists below.

Please Note

  • Uniform should be worn to and from school as well as in school.  All clothing and equipment must be clearly marked with the student’s name
  • It is NOT appropriate to wear jewellery to school.  A watch may be worn. Girls with pierced ears may wear one small pair of plain silver or gold studs (less than 4mm in diameter), only in the lobe of the ear.  Rings, bracelets, necklaces, nose, tongue or body studs may not be worn. (New ear piercings should be done at the beginning of the summer break as all earrings are removed for PE and Dance)
  • Hair accessories should be plain black, grey, pale blue, navy or white only; no outdoor hair accessories should be worn in school
  • It is inappropriate to wear make-up, cosmetic coloured contact lenses, false nails or eyelashes and nail varnish with school uniform
  • Expensive trainers and fashion items should not be brought to school.