Student Hub

Quick Links

Additional Resources

As well as the links above, there are the following resources available that you may have been directed to use or will find useful.

The School Library

The School Library - Reading Cloud

Google Classroom Cheat Sheet

Provided by Shake Up Learning - a guide for students and parents.

Link: Google Classroom Cheat Sheet

Accelerated Reader

Year 7 and Year 8 students can access Accelerated Reader from home.


Bexley Library

Bexley Library are increasing their online resources for those with library access.



MASSOLIT is a powerful resource with over 2,800 lectures across more than 400 courses, with high-quality, curriculum-linked videos for GCSE, A Level and the International Baccalaureate. We have temporary access to MASSOLIT until 30th April 2020, which students can access through the following login details:

Password: JCSFoundation


A good resource for those revising at GCSE or A Level, but includes Key Stage 3 resources too. Seneca has lots of free revision content (with paid access to higher level material).


Khan Academy

Especially good for Maths and Computing for all ages, but other subjects at Secondary level. Note this site uses the U.S. grade system but it's mostly common material.
