Key Stage 3 & 4

All students follow a balanced curriculum including a Character and Wellbeing lesson. There are minor variations to the curriculum from year to year to ensure a fair balance between subjects over the Key Stages and to reflect any changes at a national level.

Key Stage 3  |  Key Stage 4 (GCSEs) Key Stage 5 (A Levels) 

Key Stage 3 (Ages 11 to 14)

Icon for Townley Grammar's Key Stage 3 - NoviceMyself and the World

The initial stage of the Wonder Years where the student gains knowledge and begins to develop reasoning.

  • Learn about oneself and the world
  • Knowing what, where, when, who
  • Systematic knowledge of application
  • Developing capabilities, passions, character and values
  • Liberal Art Culture Studies

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Year 7 (Ages 11 to 12)

Most subjects are taught in Tutor groups with some of the practical subjects being taught in smaller mixed groups. Students study French, German or Spanish as their Language option and also study Latin, Sustainable Leadership and History of Art as part of their Enrichment programme.

Year 8 (Ages 12 to 13)

Students are now set for Mathematics across half a Year group. They begin a second language, in addition to the language studied in Year 7. In Year 8, three groups of students will also have the option to continue with the study of Latin, combined with International Relations, instead of a second modern foreign language.

Year 9 (Ages 13 to 14)

Students begin their GCSE courses in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, each being delivered as discreet subjects. Setting now occurs in Languages.

For more in-depth information on what is studied in each subject, please see our section on the curriculum. 

Key Stage 4 - GCSEs (Ages 14 to 16)

Icon for Townley Grammar's Key Stage 4 - ExpertMyself in the World

Subsequent Stage to Novice where the students' level of knowledge acquisition and application of reasoning are more sophisticated.

  • Learning about the relationship between self and the world around you
  • Logic: why, faculty of reason, valid relationships among facts, understanding
  • Interests and engagement with the world. Application of values and passions

All students take English, Mathematics, Science, RS and PE as compulsory subjects. They must also continue with at least one of the Languages they had taken at Key Stage 3. Students then have a free choice of three Option subjects (unless they have chosen to continue with both Languages in which case they will have a choice of two). Current Option choices are Art, Classical Civilisation, Computer Science, Dance, Design Technology, Drama, Engineering, Geography, History, Latin, Music and Physical Education.

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Key Stage 5 - A Levels