Inclusion and the Student Hub
Inclusion Vision
At Townley, all students are entitled to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum which challenges everyone to achieve their full potential. Our support plans are implemented around the barrier to learning, not a diagnosis of need or disability. By adopting this approach, the school will support the students during the early stages of identifying the best practice to investigate educational needs. We are committed to working alongside parents/carers, outside agencies and, more importantly, the students to implement a holistic support plan that reflects the voice of all stakeholders of the individual student.
Please refer to the following school policies for more information about the implementation of our vision for inclusion:
- SEND Policy
- Examination Access Arrangements Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Admissions Policies 2025-26 | 2024-25 | 2023-24
- Attendance Policy
Student Hub Vision
At Townley Grammar, we believe that ‘high-quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEN’ (CoP 2015). All staff work with all stakeholders in the education and wellbeing of each student to ensure that support is implemented that reflects the learning or emotional difficulties of each student in school. The student’s voice guides us to coordinate a holistic approach that maximises their potential.
Every staff member, irrespective of their role, is responsible for supporting students attending Townley Grammar School.
To offer a more personalised approach to supporting students who may be experiencing a barrier to learning, we have a dedicated team working in our Student Hub. A barrier to learning may fall into one or more of the following areas of need:
- Communication and interaction.
- Cognition and learning.
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
- Sensory and/or physical needs.
If your child has an additional educational need, please get in touch. Staff welcome the support and involvement of parents/carers in the identification, assessment and decisions for meeting the needs of their children.
Meet the Team
N Swart - SENCo
I am honoured to work with exceptionally supportive staff, parents, and students at Townley Grammar. The focus of my role is to ensure that inclusive practices are strategically planned and implemented across all areas of education. Early identification of educational needs is everyone's responsibility. I encourage transparent communication channels with parents, students, and staff to guide our strategic development of inclusive policies and practices.
When not reviewing whole school provisions, I am an avid traveller. I enjoy visiting remote areas in different parts of the world. Camping and participating in sports help me to experience moments when I have to think 'outside the box'.
Miss S Totty
Senior Deputy Headteacher
E Avery - Family Liaison Officer
I am part of the Student Hub team and have been for the past 12 years and have greatly enjoyed working with a variety of amazing students over the years. My role is to support students struggling with mental health and to give them a safe space to ask for and access help when needed. It is vital for young people struggling to have a safe space, and we work hard to provide this. I liaise with outside agencies such as CAMHs and also refer to these agencies. I am part of the safeguarding team and organise the school counselling. I am one of the First Aiders and oversee the lower school attendance, which works hand in hand with providing various support.
H Kerai - Safeguarding Support Officer
I look after the attendance and administrative duties for Sixth Form. I ensure attendance is closely monitored and support students and staff. I support the students by liaising with staff members to ensure support is offered when needed or requested. I like to introduce new initiatives using my excel skills. I enjoy working with charities and spending time with my family and friends.
The Inclusion team liaises closely with the School Nursing Service, and there is a referral system for students to seek health advice from a school nurse confidentially. Our Medical Register will include students with healthcare needs who have an Individual Health Care Plan. In addition, there is a facility within the Student Hub to store your child’s medication safely and securely.
If you as a parent are concerned about your child's health needs, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Learning Manager or Mr Swart (SENCo).
Student Wellbeing
Here at Townley, we have realised the importance of developing resilience for our students in their academic studies and supporting their development as they grow into independent young people.
A young person who feels confident about facing life’s challenges and has the tools to navigate the stresses and strains of everyday life is essential.
All staff are responsible for the wellbeing of students attending Townley Grammar. We encourage students to have ‘open’ conversations with us when they are concerned about their socal emotional mental health and wellbeing.
Students may wish to share their concerns with the following adults in school:
- House tutor
- Assistant Learning Manager
- Learning Manager
- Family Liaison Officer - Miss Avery
- SENCo - Mr Swart
- Classroom teacher
- Staff members in the Safeguarding Team
Bexley Local Authority offers a wide range of services to children, young people and families experiencing social, emotional, and mental health difficulties. The list of services can be accessed on the Bexley Local Offer website.
If you need further guidance or wish to discuss your concerns with the school, please contact Mr Swart (SENCo), Ms Avery (Family Liaison Officer) or your child’s Learning Manager.
Contact Details
Miss E Avery
Family Liaison Officer
Mr N Swart
SENDCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)
The school has invested in Dot, our therapy dog. Dot is in three days of the school week and will give students, who are feeling stressed or anxious, additional support.
Active Horizons
Active Horizons are based on site, within our student hub every Tuesday and Wednesday between 1100-1500 on a Tuesday and 1100-1300 on a Wednesday.
Active Horizons is a youth led charity and social hub set up to support young Black and Minority Ethnic people, their families, and those from disadvantaged backgrounds in Bexley.
The purpose of basing Active Horizons in the student hub is to build upon the excellent additional support the organisation offered our students previously, during lunchtime slots.
With Active Horizons on site, students have even greater access to their support, should they need it. Active Horizons further enhance our student pastoral and wellbeing provision. Should students need to, they will be able to access Active Horizons during the school day, as per our established wellbeing procedures. Bringing in Active Horizons, strengthens this provision.
For more information please visit
Attached is our pupil premium strategy for 2021-22 - select the PDF to view our current arrangements.
41 students have received training to be a Mental Health Champions ("MHC"). The students attended a training course over a number of weeks. The course was run by Pascale Berthellet, Bexley Public Health Advisor for Children and Young People.
The training enables students within the school community to support other students and educate them regarding dealing with mental health stigma and support the school pastoral framework.
The students have given assemblies to the rest of the school regarding their role as MHCs and what it entails. They have helped students identify when they need support and direct them to the right areas such as Student Services and the pastoral team.
Last term we welcomed to our pastoral community, Imago.
Imago Young Carers delivers a support service to anyone aged 8-18 living in Bexley who is taking on caring responsibilities for a family member with a long-term illness, disability, mental health or substance misuse issue.
Imago Young Carers will enable Young Carers, aged 8-18, to receive some respite from their caring responsibilities, socialise with their peers and receive tailored support and information. We provide social groups for Young Carers called Chill Clubs.
For further information, please contact the Imago Young Carers Hub:
Phone: 0300 111 1110
The Imago YC Hub is available for you to call Monday to Friday 9-5pm to talk about Young Carers’ needs and can provide information, advice and signposting.
Bexley and Greenwich HeadScape website has been designed by CAMHS to support young people in Bexley and Greenwich as a ‘one stop’ source of self-help about a range of mental health issues and conditions.
The website however covers a multitude of different mental health conditions; it allows young people to browse a range of mental health issues and conditions and provides information to get help and support if they feel they need it.
Every year the Diana Award offers training to students so they can join the existing team of Anti Bullying Ambassadors at Townley. The Diana Award’s Anti-Bullying Ambassador Programme sees trainers working with students to change the attitude surrounding bullying, opening an important dialogue about the importance of kindness and consideration of others. The programme has a strong peer-to-peer focus, with trainers giving young people the skills and confidence to become Anti-Bullying Ambassadors to tackle bullying in their schools long after the training has finished. The Diana Award’s anti-bullying work is recognised as world-class thanks to this sustainable approach.
In addition, the Diana Award offers the opportunity to be involved in the Anti-Racist training. Students will network with other passionate young people, exchange ideas and share good practice, allowing students to play a vital role in developing Townley Grammar School’s Anti- Racist Bullying work and allow students to creatively explore and understand the topic of racist bullying.