Pastoral Support

There is a long tradition in British schools that all staff have a responsibility for the well-being and personal development of students as well as for teaching their own particular subject. Therefore, most subject teachers are also House Tutors.

Learning Managers oversee students’ progress and behaviour for learning and have a general overview of the whole Year group. The Learning Manager works with a team of Tutors who remain with the student throughout the academic year.

Your daughter’s House Tutor should be your first point of call for concerns or questions about their education.

The Sixth Form is split into Lower and Upper Sixth. There is a Learning Manager and a set of eleven Tutors with each Year group. The student remains with the same Tutor throughout their time in the Sixth Form.

Each student is also assigned to one of seven Houses which are chosen from classical Greek goddesses. Each House represents specific positive qualities which we would like to foster in students at Townley, along with our own school values.

Discover More About Our Houses