Character Education at Townley

Character Education focuses on providing students with the confidence, resilience and ability to make ethical, sound decisions that will enable them to become agents of positive change within the wider world. It is not an abstract idea - it is an intellectually established method through which students can acquire character traits that allow them to participate and succeed in a range of different fields, often ones that they have not aspired to in the past.

Character education is a key pillar of our Townley Community. It is our mission to empower students to be the change they wish to see in their own, and the wider world. Character Education is embedded within and outside of the classroom through our bespoke Character and Wellbeing programme, subject areas and extra curricular opportunities.

Research underpins our approach through our adoption of the PERMA model. We have combined the classical elements to create an easily understandable and bespoke model for our school.

Our character provision has been “Highly Commended” by the Department for Education and we established multiple partnerships with other schools and organisations.