
Our Curriculum Vision

We provide a bold and inspiring curriculum rooted not just in academic excellence, rigour and challenge but underpinned with exceptional opportunity. Throughout their curriculum journey, the sense of purpose within our students is ignited and nurtured to ensure they leave us not only with unrivalled knowledge, independent thought and insatiable curiosity, but also the aspirational qualities that will change society for the better.


 English and Film | Humanities  |  Languages 

Mathematics, Computing and DT  |  Performing Arts and Physical Education  |  Science

Our Curriculum Philosophy

Our curriculum philosophy is underpinned by a broad set of central values and purposes. They are:

  • Encourage students to explore a wide range of subjects supplemented by our bespoke 21c programme thus providing a unique learning journey where they are reflective and resourceful with a passion for learning
  • Develop an open mind that allows them to become independent learners and through this become the dynamic leaders of the future who have a desire to be challenged along with a respect for learning, each other and our environment
  • Grow in knowledge, skills and mindset and including the use the power of creativity and performance to support our students in their emotional development and creative potential
  • Engage with our broad, diverse, inspiring and unique curriculum
  • Providing flexibility in curriculum design and subject choice so that students are, wherever practicable, able to personalise their learning with regard to their ability and interests whilst retaining breadth in their studies
  • Ensuring that learning and teaching is of the highest quality and utilises technology to enhance this where relevant.

Our Curriculum Aims

Our curriculum is planned with reference to the outcomes we seek to deliver for our students. At TGS we want to:

  • Inspire and challenge all our students.
  • Foster academic, emotional and physical confidence.
  • Students have the courage to take risks and the wisdom to learn from their mistakes
  • Provide students with academic qualifications that fulfil their potential
  • Students acquire the attitudes, knowledge and skills to succeed within the ever developing world in which they will live
  • Encourage in pupils a sense of dignity, integrity, spirit, responsibility and resilience 
  • Educate students to be mature, confident, articulate and compassionate individuals who grow into responsible citizens with a social conscience, able to lead others and act as change agents for a better society


English and Film

Our vision is to provide an inclusive curriculum that is rich in diversity, where every student can recognise themselves in the literature we teach and the films we explore. We study a wide variety of stories and recommend even more. We empower with knowledge. We develop critical voice and hone written style. But most importantly of all we provide a space where students feel confident enough to form their own ideas and safe enough to share them.

“The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.”
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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Humanities and Social Sciences

The Humanities vision here at Townley encompasses a broad range of subjects enabling students to expand their knowledge of human cultures and places. We help them to understand what connects  us together and what makes us unique.

In an interconnected and fast changing world Humanities subjects encourage pupils to pause and think deeply about issues, some of which have been around for thousands of years, debate and assert their view. They develop skills of independent thought and evidence analysis vital in today’s world.

Pupils encounter a broad and diverse range of ideas, narratives and experiences which enrich their understanding of the world and their place within it. It is the human in humanities that is worth studying and what we aim to foster in Townley Grammar School.

“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Modern Foreign Languages

Our vision in the Languages department at Townley is to encourage students to develop a positive attitude to language learning and a sympathetic approach to other cultures and civilisations so that they consider themselves as world citizens in a multicultural world.

We strive to provide a space where students develop the confidence to use languages effectively for practical communication and to form a sound base of the skills and attitude required for further study, work and leisure. As such, we offer an immersed and enriched curriculum that stretches beyond the national curriculum's scope, with a focus on intercultural trips and events.

"To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world"
– William Yen

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Our vision is to provide students with a curriculum that prepares them for the future. We strive to provide a space where students can learn and develop the fluency of the technology from the world around them, recognising how they can actively influence this for the better.

“The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.”
- Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft

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Performing and Visual Arts and Physical Education

Here at Townley, we strongly believe that a rich, diverse and varied experience of the Arts forms a vital part of a young person’s academic and personal development. Within the Creative and Performing Arts our students gain intellectual rigour and practical skills as well as both exploring and expressing themselves and increasing their capacity to broaden their imagination and think creatively.

The pride and value we place on our students’ creative works is evident throughout the school environment and in our programme of exhibitions and performances where this work is celebrated both at school and in the wider community.

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To instil a love of science and understanding of how it works in everyday life. To foster independent thinking which will enable students to have a better understanding of the importance of science in the future for themselves and wider society.

“Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated.”
- Rosalind Franklin

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