Classical Civilisation

Classical Civilisation is highly regarded by colleges, universities and employers.  This is because it is a multi-disciplinary subject that encourages students to examine issues from multiple viewpoints and to hone a range of valuable skills.  Students have the chance to discuss great works of literature and art, as well as hone their historical skills by using visual and written sources to learn about the ancient past.  They also practice debate and develop strong written communication skills. Students who choose this course will have the opportunity to examine the mythology, history, literature and society of ancient Greece and Rome, examining significant events and exciting individuals as well as the “ordinary” lives of common citizens.

Course Progression

Student Testimony

“Classical Civilisation has been interesting and insightful as I have been able to transfer useful skills from these lessons to my other subjects, helping me to excel.”
Nene E

“I chose to study Classical Civilisation because I’ve always been interested in the culture of ancient Greece... I really enjoy this subject because you get to study an aspect of history that isn’t on the Key Stage 3 curriculum and lean in a variety of ways. If you want to try an interesting new subject, choose Classics!”
Rachael D

Related Careers

Classical Civilisation is a multi-disciplinary subject, containing elements of English Literature, Art, Architecture, History, Philosophy, Archaeology, Religious Studies and Politics.  As such, it is highly valued by colleges, universities and potential employers because Classicists have honed a wide range of useful skills.

The study of any Classics subject would benefit those students interested in, among others, a career in law, the civil service, politics, the media, finance, teaching, art, medicine, publishing, marketing, journalism and working in museums and archives.