Computer Science

Computer Science has been a specialist subject at Townley for over five years. The aim of the Department is to provide students with the opportunity to embrace technology and to inspire them in this subject.  Our students enjoy the challenge of problem-solving and this subject provides the right forum for them to discover the realms of technology.

The Department has been recognised as a leader in paving the way of how Computer Science should be delivered in schools, both secondary and primary. We are actively working with primary schools in how Computer Science can be delivered as a subject through our outreach program, The Digital Schoolhouse.  We have hosted workshops on delivering the Computing curriculum to local secondary schools. We also have regular interactions with technology companies such as Amazon Web Services and careers trips ranging from Bletchley Park to cyber security and E-sports, to speak to our students as often as possible. We also offer our GCSE and A Level Computer Science students the opportunity to join our Silicon Valley trip which is a ten day trip to San Francisco visiting a range of tech companies from Google, Facebook, Adobe to small start-up companies.

Further afield we have regularly hosted delegates from Europe and different organisations visit the Department to see how Computing and best teaching practice is delivered.


Course Progression

Student Testimony

"I enjoy Computer Science because unlike any other subject there is a problem solving aspect where you can actually see the results.  It also looks at logical thinking and how this is applied in the real world, for example how algorithms in say Google Maps is applied. I personally like the cybersecurity side because it is current you are always hearing in the media about data breaches and data security issues and how the technology industry are continually evolving to manage the cyber issues they face.

In my coursework element I have decided to create a program to help manage my tasks and revision, so I have the opportunity to create a solution to a real life problem I am facing in my subjects and I find that aspect of the course really rewarding."

Ojaswee, Year 13 Computer Science Student

Related Careers

Computer Science is a multi-disciplinary subject, containing elements of maths as well as economics and media. As such, it is highly valued by colleges, universities and potential employers because computing has honed a wide range of useful skills.

The study of Computer Science as a subject would benefit those students interested in, among others, a career in physics, chemistry, economics, music technology, engineering, architecture, finance, insurance, software design, scientist, the armed forces, the police.