
Why study Politics? If you are interested in understanding how and why decisions on the governance of the UK and USA are made, then this is the course for you. A Level Politics teaches a range of skills highly valued by employers and Russell Group universities, including the critical thinking and evaluation skills increasingly needed to navigate the modern world. It’s focus on applying political theory to real-time, real-life political developments will hone your oracy and writing skills as you deepen your knowledge of how the British system of government works, enhancing your political awareness as you debate topical issues in a structured way.

It is well respected as an A Level subject and students combine it with History, Law, Geography, RS, Languages, English as it works well and complements most subjects.


Course Progression

Related Courses and Careers

If you choose to study politics to degree level you will find out about the theories and practices of power and governance, from local to international level. There is many politics and politics related course to follow at university, eg Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

The University of Oxford and London School of Economics (part of the Russell Group) will usually make offers which involve at least one A* and two A grades

Essex:   AAB-ABB

Sussex:  ABB