Independent Leaning
We have updated our homework policy, Homework will now be referred to as Independent Learning and will follow new deadlines for setting and handing in work across all year groups. The times students are expected to spend on Independent Learning have also been revised.
Please view the information below relevant to your son or daughter's year group. Revising our homework policy was informed by extensive research and consultation into external and contextual narratives which feed into the current complexities of child mental health. We also considered how to best prepare our students for the learning and thinking they will need to do beyond their Townley journey as well as staying true to our Townley values. Tasks set as Independent Learning will range from critical reading, to research or project based work to revision or the application of skills. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs H Ronan at .

Independent Learning will not be set for the next day in any subject.
Independent Learning will not be set on a Friday for submission on Monday.
*Year 7 Phased Learning
- Year 7 Autumn term 1 – no Independent Learning will be set unless Core.
- Year 7 Autumn term 2 – reading, research or revision will be set unless Core.
- Year 7 Spring term 1 – full Independent Learning begins.
**Can be in discussion with teacher.
Independent Learning will be monitored by subject teachers in accordance with departmental policy.
Heads of Department will ensure the department policy is followed. High-quality feedback will be given in line
with our Feedback Policy.
If Independent Learning is not completed by students on time and this raises a concern, then intervention and support consequences will be applied.