Year 8 and 9, 2024 - 2026
A National Accreditation for Year 8 students reaching completion at the end of Year 9.
The Townley Baccalaureate is an opportunity for you to learn more about yourself and the world around you. It will encourage you to think deeper, think widely and ultimately prepare you for what is ahead on the Townley journey and your life beyond. The project begins in Year 8 and finishes in Year 9 with a celebration of your work shared with your parents and the school community. At the end of the course, you will receive a National Accredited Award from the National Baccalaureate for Education which you can use on all applications in the future. This is a compulsory award and is completed in three parts.Townley Grammar School is an accredited partner with the NBfE The Townley Baccalaureate is an opportunity for you to learn more about yourself and the world around you. It will encourage think deeper, widely ultimately prepare what ahead on journey your life beyond. project begins in Year 8 finishes 9 with a celebration of work shared parents school community. At end course, receive National Accredited Award from Education which can use all applications future. This compulsory award completed three parts.
Townley Grammar School is an accredited partner with the NBfE.
The Core Curriculum
As part of the Townley Baccalaureate you must complete your usual lessons in Year 8 and Year 9. You do not have to study any extra or different subjects. Completion of the compulsory Townley Lower School Curriculum makes up the Core Learning component of the Townley Baccalaureate. It is important that students have a good attitude to learning and achieve an average of a 3 for effort across Year 8 and 9. In other words, this part of the Baccalaureate is very straightforward indeed and does not require you to do anything differently to what you are doing right now.
Personal Development
Throughout Year 8 and Year 9, you will track your involvement in a wide range of activities that will help develop you as rounded, responsible young people. You will participate in a full range of activities that help develop the Townley values of Compassion, Curiosity, Courage and Consciousness preparing you for the next steps in education and beyond. Your achievements will be tracked and recorded in a personal learner profile. This will be monitored half termly by a member of staff and your form tutor. The total number of hours spent on your Personal Development (PD) will be added up at the end of the Spring term in Year 9.
The Townley Project
As part of the Baccalaureate Award students will complete an extended project in an area of their own interest. Students will begin planning the project at the end of Year 8 and write the project in Year 9. Time spent on the project will be a mixture of self directed learning with teacher guidance. Students will work towards an end piece which may take the form of a presentation, speech, performance, film or piece of art or music. All students will receive a final Accreditation award from the NBfE at a Pass, Merit or Distinction level.
Assessment and Award
A project production log will document the planning and progress of the project, including decision-making and the student’s reflections on the process. This may include:
- Formal proposal and approval.
- Initial idea and outline plan for the project.
- Record of research carried out and resources used.
- Record of advice and support offered and action taken as a result.
- Note of any changes made to the plan and reasons for the changes.
- A review of the completed project product.
The above text is an overview of the Townley Baccalaureate, download/view our Townley-Baccalaureate Guide for all the details.